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To find out how our team can help you with your Wills & Estate requirements, contact us.

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Wills & Estates

The death of a family member or another loved one is always a painful time. Being appointed executor of a will or having grounds to contest one can make the experience feel overwhelming. Seeking legal assistance during such events requires the services of sensitive, professional law experts.

Stockley Pagano draws upon decades of legal experience in order to bring you solutions. We handle complex matters of the law, so you have time and space to process your grief.

Stockley Pagano can assist in areas including:

  • Simple Wills
  • Testamentary Trusts
  • Grant of Probate
  • Grant of Letters of Administration
  • And, bringing a family provision application

Types of wills and estate administration we can assist with include:

Executor Duties

If you’ve been appointed an executor, we can inform you of your full responsibilities and rights in a straightforward fashion.

Contesting a Will

If you’ve received less than your fair share of an estate, we can help you challenge a Will for a more equitable outcome.

Preparing a Will

Getting your own affairs in order might seem like a daunting task, but it’s worth doing. We can simplify the process for you.

Power of Attorney

A Power of Attorney gives another person permission to manage your legal and financial affairs while you’re still alive. We can help you put one in place.

Help to move forward


Get in touch with us using our contact form or contact details here


One of our experienced professionals will assess your situation, determine how we can best assist you and be in touch.


Without the technical jargon, we’ll explain your rights, and responsibilities surrounding Wills and Estate Administration.

Stockley Pagano will handle your wills and estate administration issues with competence and tact

Our decades of experience in the industry gives us the skill to guide you through legal processes during one of the hardest times of your life. We work hard to handle difficult legal issues for you so you can focus on your wellbeing.


  • What are an executor’s duties?

    Executors have a duty to administer an estate in accordance with the terms of a deceased’s will.

    To do so an executor must call in all assets and discharge all liabilities (if appropriate) belonging to a deceased. Increasingly we find executors need assistance in calling in the assets of a deceased. Stockley Pagano Lawyers can assist in calling in any type of assets from entitlements pursuant to trust structures, shareholdings, commercial agreements, various bank accounts, SMSFs, real property etc. Stockley Pagano Lawyers are there to assist you in complying with your duties as an executor in a timely and cost effective manner.

  • What is probate? And what does it cost?

    A Grant of Probate is a grant issued by the Supreme Court of Queensland (and other states in Australia). It is the term given to the official recognition of a will by the relevant state’s Supreme Court.

    The process of obtaining a Grant of Probate involves advertising, filing an Application to the Court and preparing affidavit material together with exhibits.

    Stockley Pagano Lawyers have obtained hundreds of Grants of Probate. We can assist you by completing all the necessary paperwork. You will only need to sign the paperwork. Our fixed professional fee of $2,500.00 plus GST makes us extremely competitive. Please contact our office if you have any questions regarding a Grant of Probate.

  • What happens if I don't have a Will?

    If you die without leaving a valid will then you die intestate. This will complicate your estate administration. Someone (usually a close family member) will need to apply to the Court for a Grant of Letters of Administration. This can be a contested application as several people may be desirous in making the application to be appointed the administrator of the estate.

    Without leaving a valid will your belongings will be distributed pursuant to the provisions of the Succession Act of Queensland. This may mean the people you would like to have received a benefit from your estate will not receive anything.

    Inevitably the costs and time to administer an estate where the deceased did not have a valid will is far greater then if a valid will was made.


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